Check/credit preferred to avoid Fees.
Send check payable to: El Cinco de Mayo, Inc.
PO Box 17373 Colorado Springs, CO 80935-7373
If paying with PayPal please check the “Add $ box to help cover fees” and add your extra donation at check out. Fees are 3% of your donation. Thank you for your consideration.
**Note change in transcripts: You may include official transcript in
your application packet, OR have them emailed to elcincocos@gmail.com

Requirements to qualify for the El Cinco de Mayo, Inc. Scholarship
Must fall within the definition of “underserved” (someone who does not have the financial resources and/or has inadequate support, guidance, assistance and/or would be the first in their family to attend/graduate from college; and/or who is facing adversity in life due to their socio-economic situation).
For Armendariz scholarship - Must plan to (or currently) attend a higher education institution in El Paso County and/or - be a Resident of El Paso County in Colorado
For El Cinco de Mayo, Inc. scholarship “must be an El Paso County resident”
Have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better 2.8 for Armendariz scholarship
Be an Undergraduate or Graduate Student attending full time
If selected as a finalist, must be available to participate in personal interview (date to be announced)
If selected as a recipient, must provide a head shot photo for journal and website
If selected as a recipient, must provide update on academic year’s progress
If selected as a recipient, must volunteer with El Cinco de Mayo Inc for a minimum of 10 hours for the academic year they are selected
If selected as a recipient, must attend 2 MANDATORY Recognition events – May 4 and July 3, 2024.
Applications must be submitted by mail and meet deadline date
Collate into sets, 4 copies and the ORIGINAL for each of the following (total of 5):
Scholarship Application
Personal Essay. Please include background information/future goals & aspirations (must be typed, 12 pt. font – ½” margins and limit to one page, single spaced)
a. For Armendariz application - Statement and background about self ~Future Goals ~Indicate what “honor and commitment” mean to you ~How important is your cultural background, and why? -
1 Page Personal Resume (should include school activities, community service, sports activities, and employment, if applicable (most current only)
2 Letters of Recommendation (must be different from previously submitted, if applicable)
1 (one) official transcript, sealed (no copies needed) and included in application packet. **Note change in transcripts: You may include official transcript in your application packet, OR have them emailed to elcincocos@gmail.com by the institution
Must be postmarked no later than Midnight June 3, 2024.
Mail to: El Cinco de Mayo, Inc. For questions please contact us at: ATTN: Scholarship Committee elcincocos@gmail.com
P.O. Box 17373
Colorado Springs, CO 80935-7373

Please use the list below to check off items as you have completed them for your application packet.
Please collate into completed application sets, NOT individual item sets.
Transcript -1 Official Sealed (include in application packet) **Note change in transcripts: You may include official transcript in your application packet, OR have them emailed by the institution to elcincocos@gmail.com
Application - 4 copies plus original (5 total)
Personal essay - 4 copies plus original (5 total)
One-page Resume - 4 copies plus original (5 total)
Two Letters of Recommendation - 4 copies plus original (5 total)
Incomplete information will disqualify your application.
Mail to post office box as indicated above.
Must be postmarked no later than Midnight June 3, 2024.